Find Your Next Job With Us
Are you looking for a job? Out to find a challenging new profession?
We look forward to helping you locate a job that’s interesting, challenging, and perfect for you!
We invest in understanding what interests you and how you envision your ideal work environment.
We’ll put you in touch with relevant contacts in the organization to coordinate a job interview.
We’ll prepare you for your interview and the organization’s selection process.
Our recruitment and placement consultants will be glad to offer you any information you need to ready for your interview and help you find your new job.
Take a look at our current positions page, contact us by phone or send us your resume and we’ll help you find a suitable job.
Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. (Pele)
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Preparing For a Job Interview
How can MVP HUMAN RESOURCES help advance your career?
Firstly, we help locate positions suited to your professional skill set and personal preferences.
Our experienced coordinating recruitment and diagnostic team check the roles and areas of employment you're interested in, and together we go over the various parameters of each position as we seek the optimal option as far as your professional needs.
Secondly, we can connect you to a broad range of organizations. Without our personal contacts in those organizations, advancing to a personal interview in those organizations would be much tougher to achieve.
Thirdly, we can help you prepare for your job interview and assist in reducing the anxiety that accompanies these events by providing information about the organization, the staff you'll be meeting there, and the organization’s recruitment process.
A successful job search means focusing on identifying positions suited to you. Sometimes our fast paced world of employment means there’s value in allowing a third party to link you to your next job.
That party could be a friend or family member, a placement company, a social network contact, the job boards on the internet, or an acquaintance.
We recommend activating all your possible contacts when looking for your next position. We especially recommend the following steps to improve your chances of finding work quickly and efficiently.
Prepare a professional resume which enhances your probability of being invited for a job interview
Send your resume to relevant positions on internet job sites
Contact placement companies which will present you to relevant organizations. Placement companies are linked to multiple organizations and other company representatives who can recommend you to the relevant organizations. This increases your chances of being called for an interview.
Set up a professional profile on professional social networks such as Linked In and join internet forums and groups in your field. This lets you contact colleagues from a broader range of organizations and exposes you to positions being advertised.
Join a Facebook job search group and get updates about positions of interest.
If you’ve been invited for a job interview, your resume must have impressed your employer. Now you’ve gained a unique chance to impress your potential employer face to face and step into the position that interests you.
Here are several tips to make your interview professional and successful.
The key to a successful interview:
advance preparation
Your job interview gives the employer a chance to gain impressions about you personally and verify the information on your resume with the reality. It’s always a pressuring moment, because it’s less of a conversation and more of an investigation about your professional and personal past. The key to doing well is to come prepared in advance.
First of all, be sure of your resume. Remember where you worked and during which time frame, why you ended each position, and the activities your position entailed. If you can't remember details about your own experiences, employers may wonder if your resume is not entirely truthful. Before the interview, be sure to go over relevant details you might be questioned on in your job interview.
Prepare names of references in advance
It’s worth preparing the information on references before your job interview. Talk to them beforehand and ask their permission to put a potential employer in touch with them as needed.
Choose references who will give positive opinions. We recommend coming to your job interview with at least two names and phone numbers of references from places where you’ve previously worked.
First impressions are vital to a successful interview and acceptance process with your potential employer. Your external appearance does make an impact on your interviewer when first meeting you.
Make sure you’ve got a positive attitude during your interview, be patient, listen to the questions and answer courteously.
Make sure you arrive on time for your job interview and show patience and understanding if there’s a delay or postponement. Organizations are by nature highly dynamic and schedules can often change due to unexpected circumstances. As a result, your interviewer may be late or may need to reschedule.